Providing You with the Proper Resources
Individuals with special needs and their support teams can become confused with the process of accessing necessary services and supports. Family Partnerships of Connecticut will help to determine the needs of the individual with special needs and assist with developing goals and a comprehensive plan that will help their current needs. Goals and long range plans will not only be established for the individual, but the family as well. Families may require a great deal of support and assistance learning the process of gaining education and community assistance. Family Partnerships will not only explain how these services are obtained, but they can complete the process for you.
Services Can Be Obtained in a Timely Manner
Most services can be obtained in a timely manner with the assistance of an advocate. Services ranging from behavioral support to entitlement assistance can be provided. These services are available through Family Partnerships of Connecticut
Qualified Team of Professionals
FPC has a trained staff of professionals that perform all of our
quality services and help you in navigating the system.
Developing a Long-Range Plan
Family Partnerships will help to seek outside services, develop a long-range plan and will recommend ways to promote individual independence. Children and adults with disabilities strive to achieve personal goals. With the assistance of Family Partnerships, individuals can pursue outside interests and become contributing participants in school and community activities.
Obtaining Those Goals and Dreams
Each person has their own distinct set of circumstances and needs. With the experience of Family Partnerships of Connecticut, each family member’s goals and dreams can be achieved